General terms and conditions

A) Basis of contract

  1. These Ge­ne­ral Terms and Con­di­ti­ons (her­ein­af­ter called “Terms and Con­di­ti­ons”) form the basis of purchase con­tracts that are con­clu­ded bet­ween Aes­the­tics GmbH (her­ein­af­ter called “Aes­the­tics”) and its cu­s­to­mers (her­ein­af­ter, re­fe­rence will be made to the “Cu­s­to­mer”) via the web­shops at and (her­ein­af­ter called “Web­shop”).
  2. Aes­the­tics sells the pro­ducts of­fe­red in the Web­shop to the Cu­s­to­mer ex­clu­si­vely under the con­di­ti­ons set forth in these Terms and Con­di­ti­ons. When or­de­ring pro­ducts from the Web­shop, the Cu­s­to­mer ac­cepts the Terms and Con­di­ti­ons, which ther­eby become part of the contract.
  3. Aes­the­tics re­ser­ves the right to change the Terms and Con­di­ti­ons at any time. The ver­sion of the Terms and Con­di­ti­ons ap­pli­ca­ble at the time of the par­ti­cu­lar order, which can be viewed in the Web­shop, is the aut­ho­ri­ta­tive version.

B) Orders and conclusion of contract

  1. The Web­shop is tar­ge­ted to pri­vate customers.
  2. The pro­duct images shown in ad­ver­ti­sing, bro­chu­res or the Web­shop as well as all in­for­ma­tion about the pro­ducts (con­tent, qua­lity stan­dards, ins­truc­tions for use, etc.) are for il­lu­stra­tive pur­po­ses only and are non-bin­ding. The spe­ci­fic in­for­ma­tion on the pro­duct pack­a­ging is authoritative.
  3. The range of pro­ducts pre­sen­ted in the Web­shop is a non-bin­ding re­pre­sen­ta­tion the­reof. It does not re­pre­sent an offer to con­clude a purchase con­tract with the Customer.
  4. Aes­the­tics is free to refuse to pro­cess an order at any time and wi­t­hout pro­vi­ding ra­tio­nale. In such a case, Aes­the­tics will inform the Cu­s­to­mer, and any payments al­re­ady made will be re­fun­ded to the Customer.
  5. A purchase con­tract comes into exi­stence only once Aes­the­tics ships the pro­ducts or­de­red by the Customer.
  6. A purchase con­tract comes into exi­stence only once Aes­the­tics ships the pro­ducts or­de­red by the Customer.
  7. Aes­the­tics gua­ran­tees no avai­la­bi­lity for the or­de­red pro­ducts and re­ser­ves the right not to de­li­ver or­de­red pro­ducts, e.g. if they are not de­li­vera­ble or not com­ple­tely de­li­vera­ble. In such a case, Aes­the­tics will inform the Cu­s­to­mer about any un­available and thus un­de­li­vered pro­ducts, and any payments al­re­ady made will be re­fun­ded to the Customer.

C) Prices, packing and shipping costs, and payment

  1. Pro­duct prices are listed in the Web­shop in Swiss francs (CHF) or in euros (EUR), in­clu­ding value added tax.
  2. Pack­ing and ship­ping costs are not in­clu­ded in the pro­duct prices listed and must be borne by the Cu­s­to­mer. Pack­ing and ship­ping costs are listed under the “De­li­very and Ship­ping” section.
  3. The prices in­di­ca­ted in the Web­shop at the time of or­de­ring are aut­ho­ri­ta­tive. The same ap­plies for pack­ing and ship­ping costs.
  4. We apply no pack­ing and ship­ping costs for orders with a pro­duct value of more than CHF 79.00 or more than EUR 79.00.
  5. The payment op­ti­ons in­di­ca­ted in the Web­shop are available to the Cu­s­to­mer. Aes­the­tics re­ser­ves the right to ex­clude a Cu­s­to­mer from par­ti­cu­lar payment op­ti­ons wi­t­hout pro­vi­ding ra­tio­nale. During the online or­de­ring pro­cess, payment data (e.g. credit card data) are con­veyed in an en­crypted fa­shion. On that basis, an online aut­ho­rization in­quiry is au­to­ma­ti­cally car­ried out at the re­spec­tive payment ser­vice pro­vi­der. In the ab­sence of aut­ho­rization, Aes­the­tics can reject the order. The Terms and Con­di­ti­ons of a payment ser­vice pro­vi­der in­vol­ved in a payment tran­sac­tion (e.g. PayPal, Payr­exx) are an in­te­gral com­po­nent of these Terms and Conditions.

D) Right of cancellation

Cu­s­to­mers do­mic­i­led or usually re­si­ding in the EU have a right of can­cel­la­tion. De­tails can be viewed in the Web­shop under the “Right of Can­cel­la­tion” section.

E) Retention of title

Until payment in full of the price as well as all costs in­cur­red in­clu­ding in­te­rest on late payments, pro­ducts or­de­red by the Cu­s­to­mer remain the pro­perty of Aes­the­tics. Aes­the­tics has the right to have the re­ten­tion of title en­te­red into the title re­ten­tion re­gi­ster at the Customer’s place of residence.

F) Liability and warranty

  1. Upon trans­fer of the or­de­red pro­ducts to the trans­por­ter, Aes­the­tics has ful­fil­led all ob­li­ga­ti­ons re­sul­ting from the Customer’s order, and be­ne­fits and risks of the or­de­red pro­ducts pass to the Cu­s­to­mer. In par­ti­cu­lar, Aes­the­tics bears no lia­bi­lity if the or­de­red pro­ducts are not trans­fer­red di­rectly by the trans­por­ter (if the pro­ducts are in­stead left at the Customer’s door, with a neigh­bor, etc., in the event of the Cu­s­to­mer not being home).
  2. If a pro­duct is de­fec­tive, the legal pro­vi­si­ons on war­ran­ties for de­fects apply. The Cu­s­to­mer shall in­spect the pro­ducts im­me­dia­tely upon re­ce­ipt and shall com­mu­ni­cate any de­fects to Aes­the­tics in wri­ting within three days of re­cei­ving the products.
  3. Aes­the­tics is fully liable if it has, in an in­di­vi­dual case, agreed to a war­ranty, if an ob­li­ga­tion has been vio­la­ted in­ten­tio­nally or in a grossly ne­gli­gent fa­shion, or in the event of injury to life, limb or health. In cases of simple ne­gli­gence, Aes­the­tics is liable for ma­te­rial and fi­nan­cial da­ma­ges only if an es­sen­tial con­trac­tual ob­li­ga­tion has been vio­la­ted, and only up to the amount of da­ma­ges fo­re­seeable and con­trac­tually ty­pi­cal at the time the con­tract was con­clu­ded. Es­sen­tial ob­li­ga­ti­ons are those the vio­la­tion of which jeo­par­di­zes at­tain­ment of the con­trac­tual pur­pose, or ful­fill­ment of which is ne­ces­sary to make pos­si­ble the proper exe­cu­tion of the con­tract, and com­pli­ance with which the Cu­s­to­mer relies upon. To the extent that lia­bi­lity on the part of Aes­the­tics is ex­clu­ded or li­mi­ted, this also ap­plies for per­so­nal lia­bi­lity on the part of em­ployees, re­pre­sen­ta­ti­ves and agents.

G) Data processing

The pri­vacy policy that can be viewed in the Web­shop in its re­spec­tive cur­rent ver­sion is an in­te­gral com­po­nent of these Terms and Conditions.

H) Final provisions

  1. The purchase con­tracts con­clu­ded bet­ween Aes­the­tics and the Cu­s­to­mer are sub­ject to ma­te­rial Swiss law with ex­press ex­clu­sion of the UN sales law (United Na­ti­ons Con­ven­tion on Con­tracts for the In­ter­na­tio­nal Sale of Goods). This choice of law ap­plies for cu­s­to­mers do­mic­i­led or usually re­si­ding out­side of Switz­er­land only if man­da­tory pro­vi­si­ons of the laws of the Customer’s state of do­mic­ile or usual re­si­dence are not ther­eby re­vo­ked for him or her.
  2. Place of legal ju­ris­dic­tion is the city of Zurich, Switz­er­land. This choice of venue ap­plies for cu­s­to­mers do­mic­i­led or usually re­si­ding out­side of Switz­er­land only if man­da­tory venues for the laws of the Customer’s state of do­mic­ile or usual re­si­dence are not ther­eby re­vo­ked for him or her.

These Terms and Con­di­ti­ons enter into force on April 1, 2021. They re­place all Aes­the­tics Terms and Con­di­ti­ons valid up to this date and will be ap­plied for all orders placed on or after that date.

Right of cancellation for EU customers

Right of cancellation

A Cu­s­to­mer re­si­ding or usually do­mic­i­led in the EU has the right to cancel a purchase con­tract based on an order within 14 days wi­t­hout pro­vi­ding ra­tio­nale. The 14-day period begins on the day when the Cu­s­to­mer or a third party de­si­gna­ted by the Cu­s­to­mer who is not the trans­por­ter re­cei­ves the last of the or­de­red goods.

To exer­cise the right of can­cel­la­tion, the Cu­s­to­mer must inform Aes­the­tics (Aes­the­tics GmbH, Pfäf­fi­koner­strasse 15, 8834 Schin­del­legi, Schweiz; via a clear state­ment (e.g. an email or letter sent by mail) about his or her de­cis­ion to cancel the purchase con­tract. The Cu­s­to­mer may use the can­cel­la­tion form re­pro­du­ced below for this pur­pose, but that form is not re­qui­red. For ad­he­rence to the can­cel­la­tion period, it is suf­fi­ci­ent that the Cu­s­to­mer sends no­ti­fi­ca­tion prior to the end of the can­cel­la­tion period that he or she is exer­cis­ing the right of cancellation.

Con­se­quen­ces of cancellation

If the Cu­s­to­mer can­cels a con­tract, Aes­the­tics shall refund to him or her all payments it has re­cei­ved from him or her, in­clu­ding de­li­very costs, wi­t­hout delay and no later than 14 days after the day when Aes­the­tics re­cei­ves the com­mu­ni­ca­tion about the can­cel­la­tion. For this refund, Cu­s­to­mer and Aes­the­tics agree upon the same method of payment that the Cu­s­to­mer used for the ori­gi­nal tran­sac­tion. In no case will the Cu­s­to­mer be billed a fee in con­nec­tion with the refund.

Aes­the­tics can refuse to pro­vide the refund until it has re­cei­ved the re­tur­ned goods or until the Cu­s­to­mer has pro­vi­ded evi­dence that he or she has sent the goods back, whi­che­ver occurs first. The Cu­s­to­mer must send back or hand over the goods wi­t­hout delay and in any case no later than 14 days after the day he or she in­forms Aes­the­tics of can­cel­la­tion of the con­tract. The Cu­s­to­mer shall be deemed in com­pli­ance with the 14-day period if he or she mails the goods prior to the end of said period. The Cu­s­to­mer shall bear the costs of the return. The Cu­s­to­mer must only cover any loss in value of the goods if that loss in value re­sults from hand­ling of those goods that is not ne­ces­sary to check the qua­lity, pro­per­ties and func­tio­ning of the goods.


The right of can­cel­la­tion does not exist for con­tracts for de­li­very of sealed goods that for re­a­sons of public health or hy­giene are not sui­ta­ble for return if they have been un­sea­led after delivery.

Sample can­cel­la­tion form

If the Cu­s­to­mer would like to cancel the con­tract, he or she should fill out this form and send it back to: Aes­the­tics GmbH, Pfäf­fi­koner­strasse 15, 8834 Schin­del­legi, Schweiz;

I/we (*) hereby cancel the con­tract con­clu­ded by me/us (*) about the purchase of the fol­lo­wing goods (*):
Or­de­red on (*)/received on (*):
Con­su­mer name:
Con­su­mer address:
Con­su­mer si­gna­ture (only if com­mu­ni­ca­ted on paper):
(*) Cross out that which does not apply.